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Our Travel Plan
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Our Travel Plan

Lancaster Road is a very busy residential road with no designated parking availability. It is important that all parents follow the School Travel Plan that has been put in place in conjunction with RBKC.

We thoroughly encourage parents and children to:

On the occasions that you cannot walk or use alternatives, please follow the traffic rules below:

  • Follow the Traffic Flow Plan and enter from the Ladbroke Grove end of Lancaster Road.
  • Please only park in the bays and do not double park or obstruct neighbours driveways – even if ‘just for a minute’.
  • Park further away from the school and walk in. This is also known as ‘park and stride’. Details on display parking in the area can be found on the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea’s website Guide to parking | Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (

Traffic wardens/enforcers will be policing the road, especially at morning drop off and pick up times.

From 2025 you can continue your journey at Wetherby Pembridge, this premium co-educational senior school in the heart of London will welcome pupils from Year 7 to Year 9 bringing together the proven academic excellence of Wetherby and Pembridge Hall.

Founding Headmaster Nick Page brings 20 years of leadership from the best British schools including Harrow and Westminster.

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